My favorite Photoshop shortcuts that help speed up my design process
Here is the list of Photoshop Shortcuts I use very frequently. These shortcuts have saved me lots of time moving my mouse around and speeded up my design process.
Ctrl = Command for Mac Users
Alt = Option for Mac Users
Brush Shortcuts
1. Decrease Brush Size: [
2. Increase Brush Size: ]
3. Decrease Brush Hardness: {
4. Increase Brush Hardness: }
Instead of using these shortcuts you will have to right click on the screen and manually drag the Hardness of your brush down.
Tools Shortcuts:
* Cycle through Hidden tools: hold down Alt/Option while clicking on tool
5. Move Tool: V
6. Lasso Tool: L (I use this one a lot to cut objects and make them into separate layers)
7. Magic Wand Tool: W
8. Crop Tool: C
9. Eyedropper Tool: I
10. Brush Tool: B
11. Eraser Tool: E
12. Gradient / Paint Bucket Tool: G
13. Pen Tool: P
14. Text Tool: T
View Image Shortucts:
15. Zoom In: Ctrl/Command + “+”
16. Zoom Out: Ctrl/Command + “-”
17. Zoom in/out to 100%: Ctrl/Command + 0
18. Cycle through Open Documents/Photo Tabs: Ctrl/Command
This one is a super neat one. Using your mouse to click on individual file in the file tab up top might take quite a while if you usually have a lot open like me
19. Show/Hide Ruler: Ctrl/Command + R
20. Turn On/Off Guide: Ctrl/Command + “;”
21. Turn On/Off Grid: Ctrl/Command + “ ‘ ”
Layer Panel Shortcuts:
22. Group Layers: Ctrl/Command + G
23. Ungroup Layers: Ctrl/Command + Shift + G
24. Create New Layer: Ctrl/Command + Shift + N
Other Helpful Shortcuts:
25. Undo: Ctrl/Command + Z
26. Continue to Undo: Ctrl/Command + Alt/Option + Z
27. Transform a Layer/Text: Ctrl/Command + T
28. Save… : Ctrl/Command + S
29. Save As… : Ctrl/Command + Shift + S
30. Open: Ctrl/Command + O
31. New: Ctrl/Command + N
32. Close current Tab: Ctrl/Command + W
33. Image Size: Ctrl/Command + Shift + I
34. Cycle through Blending Modes: Shift + / -
35. Show/Hide Layer: Ctrl/Command + ‘,’
To customize your shortcuts, simply click on Edit on your Menu Bar then go to Keyboard Shortcuts. You can then edit any existing shortcut and/or create a new one! :)
I hope this list help ya narrow down some of the essential shortcuts for your design flow. Happy photoshop-ing!